Much more than masks: linking emergency assistance, resilience building, and COVID-19 prevention

A HARP-F NGO partner in Myanmar is locally sourcing and distributing 108,000 reusable facemasks to vulnerable villagers in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships, i…

Nutrition in Myanmar: Focus on Rakhine State (Full Report)

HARP-F conducted this review in March 2021 to assess the challenges impacting nutrition programming in Rakhine state, and to make recommendations to better ad…

Localisation Through Partnership: Shifting towards Locally-led Programming in Myanmar: Phase 3 – Outcomes of the transition

The Humanitarian Response and Transition to Localisation project aimed specifically to transition the project lead role from Trócaire to Karuna Mission Social …

Review of Cash Transfer Programmes in Kachin and Northern Shan States

A desktop study focused on reviewing the previous, existing and planned Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) in two states. It closely examines the available eviden…

HARP-F brief 1: Introduction to HARP-F (ENGLISH)

An introductory brochure to HARP-F work in Rakhine, Kachin, Norther Shan and on the border with Thailand.

WEBINAR #1: National leadership in humanitarian response: Myanmar’s experience in a global context

Six HARP-F partners shared how their work is geared towards empowering local organisations to lead the response in Rakhine, Kachin and Northern Shan, what the…

WEBINAR #3: 'No access, no aid?' How remote partnerships are key to delivering humanitarian aid in protracted crisis'

This webinar presented the findings of the new evaluation of HARP-F’s remote partnership approach in Myanmar, and invited national and international humanitari…

HARP-F brief 2: Investing in Localisation of Aid in Myanmar

LOCALISATION AS A KEY APPROACH IN MYANMAR This brief details HARP-F's approach to support local and national organisations in Myanmar to lead the humanitarian…

Save the Date : Local & national partners tell us what they require to sustain a locally-led humanitarian response in Myanmar

Throughout October, HARP-F will be asking our network of local, national and international partners in Myanmar, to tell us what they require to keep delivering…


Sustaining High Quality, Locally-Led Humanitarian Action in Myanmar after HARP-F 11 October - 2 November, 2021

Agenda - Partner Consultations - Myanmar

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HARP-F approach to remote partnership in Myanmar - Full review

The Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Programme Facility (HARP-F) was established as an intermediary grant distribution mechanism for the UK Foreign, Comm…

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